Saturday 15 September 2007

16 Top Skin-Saving Food

To your skin fresh and healthy

Most fruits and vetgetables pack a skin-protecting antioxidant punch -- courtesy of vitamins like E, C, and beta carotene. Other sources include minerals like selenium, manganese and zinc; some amino acids; and bioflavonoids (found in citrus fruit).

Here's the list of "Top 16 of Skin Food":

  1. Asparagus
  2. Blueberries
  3. Broccoli
  4. Melon
  5. Carrots
  6. Red Bell Peppers
  7. Tomatoes
  8. Sweet Potatoes
  9. Avocados
  10. Oranges and Orange Juice
  11. Chicken
  12. Milk
  13. Whole Wheat Bread
  14. Tea
  15. Seafood
  16. Almonds

By the food, your age in years may not be reflected in the age of your skin which may appear to be younger -- or older. Determine the current age of your skin with the doctor or skin care clinics and see what they found and get suggestion on how your own lifestyle habits might be ageing your looks prematurely.

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Tuesday 11 September 2007

Pregnancy Acne Problem

Acne is Common During Pregnancy

Unfortunately , if you already suffer from adult acne you may find your situation a bit worse during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time when our skin becomes extra sensitive, and goes through various remarkable changes in preparation for the delivery of our babies. However, normal acne associated with pregnancy do not need a treatment and generally resolves on its own in a few short months. (On the whole, it is preferable to avoid oral medicines in pregnancy in case they have an effect on the fetus.)

It is common for pregnant women to develop acne during the first three months of pregnancy, acne often gets a bit worse but as pregnancy progresses, acne can often improve, possibly because of increased levels of estrogen.

One of the more common side effects of pregnancy is a condition called melasma, otherwise known as the "mask of pregnancy." Melasma results from hormonal irregularities during pregnancy. Typically women with melasma present with discoloration of the skin, particularly on the forehead, nose and upper lip. This discoloration often looks like a "mask" hence the name. Some women may find the affected areas of their skin look slightly tan. While you don't need to treat the condition, you should wear plenty of sunscreen. Excessive exposure to the sun can make melasma appear darker. Most women find their condition improves several weeks after the baby is born.

Another condition of pregnancy is referred to as PUP or "puerperal urticaria of pregnancy." This is a condition that results in hives or rashes that erupt all over the body. The condition is usually quite annoying and very itchy! Most women find their symptoms improve shortly after delivery. PUP typically does not appear until roughly the third trimester of pregnancy. While this condition is not harmful, it can by very trying for itchy and expectant moms. Usually over the counter remedies including soothing lotions or even calamine lotion provide some relief. In rare circumstances your doctor may prescribe an anti-histamine to help combat the itching and irritation associated with PUP.

Pregnancy skin care tips

  1. Rest and relax. Get plenty of sleep and select suitable methods of relaxation.
  2. Use a suitable moisturizer. Apply generously on required areas of skin. There is accelerated sloughing of cells during pregnancy and consequently the skin is in need of better hydration.
  3. Clean your face and neck frequently using a mild soap to prevent clogged sores.
  4. Select comfortable and suitable clothing to avoid rashes.
  5. Try a facial that is most suitable for your skin, as a good massage can rejuvenate your skin.
  6. Avoid exposure to sunlight and use quality sunscreen lotion.
  7. Drink plenty of water and increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  8. Do not hesitate to consult health care provider even for minor skin changes.
  9. You may need to switch to skin care products to suit your skin conditions. Some products may be unsuitable for use during pregnancy. Use skin care products with adequate UV filters to prevent skin pigmentation.
  10. Use a refreshing foot gel to give relief from tired and swollen feet.
  11. Avoid chemical exfoliant products containing AHAs and salicylic acid and glycolic acid. You can use a clarifying mask made of clay or Fullers Earth in case you suffer extremely oily skin.

The following medications must be avoided in pregnancy or if pregnancy is being contemplated:

  • Tetracycline
  • Oral isotretinoin
  • Topical retinoids (tretinoin, isotretinoin and adapalene)
  • Salicylic acid preparations

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Saturday 4 August 2007

Women vs. Acne in ages

Acne in Adulthood?

While acne is often the cause of teen anxiety, it can also irritant adults and lack confidence in day job -- particularly women in their 20s, 30s and 40s. In fact, women of those age groups can develop acne even if they never had acne as a teen.

Dr. Berson mentioned, "When adult women experience acne outbreaks, hormones are usually the primary culprit and hormonal acne can be particularly frustrating because it may not respond to the same over-the-counter treatments that worked for some women during their teenage years."

Hormonal changes, greasy or oily cosmetics or hair products, certain drugs such as corticosteroids or high levels of humidity and sweating could contribute to adult acne. Contrary to what some people think, foods have little effect on acne. Nor is it caused by dirt. In fact, scrubbing your skin too hard or cleaning with harsh soaps or chemicals can cause irritation, which may make acne worse. Acne treatments work by reducing oil production, speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacterial infection or doing all three. Your doctor or dermatologist could recommend these treatment options:

  • Topical treatments
  • Antibiotics
  • Isotretinoin
  • Oral contraceptives

See your doctor if you have a sudden onset of acne, especially if it’s severe. It can occasionally signal an underlying medical problem.

"Hormonal Acne":

Basically, acne isn't just kids' stuff. And to make matters worse, you can have dry skin on your cheeks, an oily forehead and pimples making an occasional appearance. For all too many women, the acne that they once feared would flare up just in time for prom as a teenager has resurfaced into their adult years - causing anxiety for events from weddings to job interviews.

The cause of hormonal acne is most often linked to androgens, which are the hormones that stimulate the sebaceous - or oil - glands and hair follicles in the skin. When the sebaceous glands are over-stimulated by androgens, acne flare-ups can occur. Nearly half of all women experience acne flare-ups and increased facial oiliness during the week preceding menstruation.

While most women with acne have normal androgen levels, some women may have a more serious medical condition for which acne is just one symptom. In addition, women with hormonal acne also may experience irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, infertility or diabetes. It's vitally important for these women to consult with their physician, as a blood test can determine the cause of these symptoms and the best treatment option.

Treating Hormonal Acne --> Read More

You can find most available solutions to your acne problem from our sponsors:

  • ZENMED® Three Step Skin Care Try the ZENMED® 3 Step System to heal, nourish and rejuvenate your skin. If your skin isn't healthy and radiant in 60 days we will give you your money back.
  • Acne Scar Kit Fade and Lighten Acne Scars. Order Today for a Bonus Moisturizer
  • Derma Cleanse System The most effective acne treatment on the market. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

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Wednesday 18 July 2007

The Pleasure and Satisfaction of Exercise

Exercise can help acne by increasing the blood flow to the skin and providing oxgyen to the skin cells

Exercise will improve the fitness of your internal organs so they will be able to work more efficiently. Improved cardio-vascular fitness will mean your heart and lungs will get oxygen round your body more effectively. Your liver, kidneys and bowel will be able to work better to get the right nutrients out of the food you eat and get toxins out of your system more quickly. Exercise rebalances hormones and reduces stress — both are precursors of acne. Moderate sweating will clean the pores from the inside. This in turn will aid skin health and reduce acne by both preventing further outbreaks of acne and helping existing acne disappear. Spots and blackheads will heal quicker and scars will fade.

Make sure you shower as soon after exercising as possible to wash away the sweat where bacteria can grow. This is especially important if you have acne on you back and chest.

Types of exercise

You don't have to overdo it or partake in a sport you don't enjoy. Find something you enjoy doing and practise it regularly. Try and find time to exercise outdoors, the fresh air and sunshine will further reduce your acne. Suitable exercise includes cycling, rowing, swimming, jogging, brisk walking, team sports. Swimming is especially good for acne as you're in water and are cleaning the skin from the inside and outside. Just make sure you rinse the chlorine (or salt if you're lucky enough to live near the sea) off as soon as you finish.

You don't have to get hot and sweaty - you can try exercise like yoga and tai-chi which also calm the mind.

State of mind

Becoming fit and good at sport will also help your mental wellbeing. Acne is renowned for ruining people's self confidence. Doing exercise releases endorphins which make you feel happier. Exercising regularly will both help reduce your acne and enable you to cope with it better.

You can find most available solutions to your acne problem from our sponsors:

  • ZENMED® Three Step Skin Care Try the ZENMED® 3 Step System to heal, nourish and rejuvenate your skin. If your skin isn't healthy and radiant in 60 days we will give you your money back.
  • Acne Scar Kit Fade and Lighten Acne Scars. Order Today for a Bonus Moisturizer
  • Derma Cleanse System The most effective acne treatment on the market. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

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Sunday 15 July 2007

Acne Scars

Treating Scars

After an acne lesion has healed, it can leave a red or hyperpigmented mark on the skin. This is actually not a scar, but rather a post-inflammatory change. Or we call "scar" if that area occured after the acne cured where is red, purple or even brown mark left by a previous infection (spot, blemish, pimple etc).

The redness or hyperpigmentation is seen as the skin goes through its healing and remodeling process, which takes approximately 6-12 months. There are certain practices and medications that can help facilitate this healing process.

  • Unprotected exposure to the sun causes more skin damage and delays healing, therefore wearing a good sunscreen is important.
  • Using Retin-A, Renova or Avita speeds up the skin's remodeling process and helps heal post-inflammatory changes.
  • Appropriate formulations of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta-Hydroxy Acid (BHA) that contain the correct concentrations and are at the appropriate pH also help the skin's remodeling process.
  • Picking at scabs should be avoided at all costs. Scabs form to protect the healing process that is going on underneath them. Pulling a scab off before it is ready interferes with the healing and remodeling process, prolonging the time that post-inflammatory changes will be visible.

How to Treat Acne Scars?

Scars can be helped to fade faster by applying evening primrose oil directly to them. Rosehip seed oil is great for reducing scar tissue because it is high in essential fatty acids. Apply straight on to the skin or add a few drops to moisturiser. Aloe Vera also good to apply topically and to drink for healing scars. Lavender essential oil is also known for treating scars. Moreover, apply tea tree oil on the scars. It will help to unclog the pores and heal the scars.

If your acne scars are dark, you can use lemon juice to lighten them. First, cleanse the scar with water. Dab one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and smooth it over the acne marks. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse.

Use a moisturiser that will help clear scars, but won't block pores causing more blemishes - such as AHA facial cream.

Treating acne scars from the inside

  • Water is one of the most natural methods of aiding the healing process naturally for scars. In order to properly shed skin cells and let new ones grow, your skin needs to be well hydrated. Drink lots of water everyday and eat fruits and veggies.
  • Eating a balanced diet is also necessary for acne scar healing. This is an easy home remedy for acne scars as long as you’re already on a good diet! Why is this important? Because just as you need hydration for your skin, you also need protein to help your body rebuild skin cells quickly.

Healing your scars can be maximized naturally if the body is getting all the right nutrients to fight disease, infection, and speed up the healing process from within. Some foods to build into your diet would include chicken, fish, tofu, or soy beverages or soy substitutes that are high in protein.

  • Fractional laser therapy: This type of treatment works at a deeper level than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion
Since getting rid of acne scars is a complex process, often several of the treatments listed above will have to be combined to produce the best results.

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Saturday 7 July 2007

How to Reduce Stress?

Some said stress may cause worse acne!!

Stress is one of the biggest precursors of acne, especially in adult women. Controlling stress can help reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol, and therefore reduce the severity of the acne. If you suffer from stress regularly, try and recognise the early symptoms and take action. Practicing relaxation methods can help prevent stress before it happens. Learning to relax more will not only help alleviate stress related acne, but will also help you cope with the psychological effects of living with acne.

Take a mini-vacation from the day's tensions. You'll feel a sense of calm and peace, refreshed and renewed. For examples, to chill out, read a book, listen to music, have a bath, go for a walk, whatever it takes for you to relax and de-stress. If you take time to relax, you'll find yourself being able to do more in the rest of your day because you're not wasting time getting stressed out.

  • Breathing exercises - learn these techniques to breathe more effectively

  • Meditation - simple methods of meditation that anyone can do

While some stress is actually necessary for you to function at your best, too much takes a mental and physical toll. Learn to manage stress levels to prevent anxiety, depression and other conditions.

Step One
Write down everything you have to do when you're feeling overwhelmed. Set a time frame, then block out when you will accomplish what. By divvying up your workload into manageable chunks, each with an allotted time, you'll feel more relaxed about the work before you.

Step Two
Concentrate on one task at a time. Stressing about work you haven't done yet only detracts from accomplishing the task at hand.

Step Three
Manage your energies wisely ' prioritize your workload and put in less effort for low-priority jobs, and avoid expending energy on unimportant tasks.

Step Four
Delegate responsibility and get outside help if you feel overwhelmed. Hire a gardener for your lawn or a baby sitter for your child when you feel pressed for time.

Step Five
Reward yourself for accomplishing things. Acknowledge the work you put in and give yourself a pat on the back, instead of immediately rushing into the next task and creating more stress.

Step Six
Take small breaks during work. Visit a nearby café or take a quick walk, or allow yourself 10 minutes to relax in your office: Close your eyes, strip your mind of work-related thoughts, visualize a pleasant landscape or vacation scene and relax your muscles.

Step Seven
Exercise regularly to maintain your health and release stress, or take up a hobby.

Step Eight
Give yourself vacations. If indulging in a long vacation (and staying away from work) seems even more stressful, try taking several short vacations per year.

Step Nine
Maintain your perspective by asking yourself, "Is the situation at hand really that serious that I should become stressed-out about it?"

Please remember! stress is directly linked to the worsening of acne, it might be helpful to develop techniques for bringing down the stress level in people suffering from acne and help them control their acne.

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Wednesday 4 July 2007

A Link Between The Diet And Acne

How to know acne is caused by certain foods, without having to buy anything?

Foods don't seem to be related to acne. But if you feel that some foods make your acne worse, you may want to avoid those foods.

That is easy. All you need to do is to eliminate ALL foods that can cause acne (for example: foods that increase Heat in the body, fat, spicy foods, garlic, and coffee), for about one to two weeks. During this period you will see a drastic improvement in your skin complexion and you should keep on maintain this strict procedure until your skin is totally clear, and then you have your proof. Of course you can keep on maintaining this diet forever, but that is extremely hard and also not necessary. Once your skin is totally clean, you can either do your own experiments or you can start adding 'munch-foods' that are the least 'acne-causing' to your diet, to the extend that you want your skin to be clean. The big difference is that you are in control about how clear you want your skin to be, instead of that the acne rules your life.

Diet factors -- Foods to avoid include:
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt etc)
  • Refined and cooked carbohydrates (flour, bread, rice, crisps and chips, sugar etc)
  • Cooked fats (fried food, hydrogenated oils, roasted nuts)
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken, lamb etc)

All the above foods are acid-forming in the body. If you really want to get rid of acne, you need to eat more alkaline-forming foods -- fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts (sparingly) and seeds. The foods to avoid listed above also cause a sluggish digestive system. If food travels too slowly through the body, toxins build up and aren't carried away by the usual processes and are expelled via the skin, causing acne. That's why you need to drink plenty of purified water or spring water (up to 8 glasses of water a day) to flush out toxins and transport nutrients.

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